Northwoods Childcare Development Center
Infant Care
Our infants receive an individualized approach to developmental education, health and nutrition in a warm, caring, and safe child care environment.
Each infant is allowed his or her own patterns of sleeping, waking, eating, and playing. Infants are taken outside each day except in inclement weather. Non-mobile children receive plenty of “tummy-time” and children who can creep or crawl are given opportunities during the day to move freely in a safe, clean, open, warm and uncluttered area.
Infants, Our Racoons & Caterpillars
Daily Routine/Schedule
Morning Group Welcome and Exploring Time
Breakfast and Diapering
Learning Activity Time (Art, Sensory, Music and Finger Plays and More)
Center Time
Outside Play and Gross Motor
Lunch and Diaper Check
Rest and Free Choice
Snack and Diaper Check
Exploring Time
Outside Play and Gross Motor
End of Day Closings (Stories and Sing Songs)
Schedule is flexible and adjusted to each individual child’s needs. We accommodate each baby according to their own schedule and activity times may vary depending on the child. Outdoor play is weather permitting and if needed will be replaced with a planned physical activity. Outdoor Play includes physical activities planned by the teacher and nature exploration engaging the child in their surroundings.
During center time, all centers are available for the children to choose from. Centers available are: Block Center, Manipulatives, Table Toys, Dramatic Play Area, Cozy Area, Reading Area, Music Area.
Handwashing is incorporated as needed and during food and bathroom times as well as after outside play.