Northwoods Child Development Center
Whole Grains, Proteins, Dairy, Fruits and Vegetables On Our Menu

A healthy lifestyle starts at a young age. Quality nutrition is an important factor in children’s long-term growth and development, as well as their day-to-day well-being. We provide nutritionally balanced breakfast and afternoon snacks to ensure the children in our care are reaching their highest potential each day. Staff handling food shall have training on cleanliness, sanitation and other related training and orientation.
Breakfast shall consist of the following:
Fruit or 100% Juice;
Cereal or Whole Grain or Enriched Bread Product;
Grade A Vitamin D Pasteurized Milk
Currently, all children enrolled are required to bring their own lunch.
The center will serve a nutritious snack daily. Snack shall consist of at least two of the following: Milk, Fruit, or Pure Fruit Juice, Vegetable, Protein, Whole Grain or Enriched Bread or Cereal. If a child brings their own meals and snacks, the center will ensure they meet CACFP guidelines and supplements when they do not meet the guidelines. A charge may be incurred to provide this supplement and be added to your billing.
Special Nutritional Needs
If a child has a special nutritional need or is on a special or medical diet, parents must provide a written doctor's note and sign all required forms. For children with food allergies the nature of the allergy and the kind of food the child is allergic to must be written out. Food allergies must be verified by a physician. Specialty menus (vegetarian or kosher) for a particular child will be discreetly posted in the kitchen and the child's classroom.
No child shall go without nourishment for longer than three hours. No child shall be forced to eat. At the center snacks and meals are meant to be an enjoyable experience. From time to time snacks will reflect cultural and ethnic preferences of children of the community. Meal times will be a time for socialization. The teacher will sit with the children at meal times whenever possible. Children will be encouraged to serve themselves, and develop good eating habits and manners.